Environmental and quality assurance Policy 

ABAKAL is committed to environmental protection, quality assurance and sustainable development of projects and civil works we execute, to guarantee our customers maximum satisfaction and the respect of environment and sustainability.

ABAKAL has a Quality and Environmental Integrated System based on UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2015 and UNE-EN-ISO 14001:2015. ABAKAL is committed to meet and communicate the following values and commitments:

  • To offer engineering solutions focused on our customer satisfaction.

  • To drive a corporate culture, anticipating client needs, aimed at surpassing their expectations and reducing environmental impact.

  • To satisfy legal, regulatory and internal requirements of the customer.

  • Encourage worker participation and professional and personal performance.

  • ABAKAL management focused on continuous improvement, updating our internal processes and codes of good practice.

  • Developing our activities with respect to the environment through the sustainable use of resources, using recycled materials if possible, keeping the environmental protection, sustainable development and pollution prevention.

  • Quality Assurance and Environment Protection are the commitment and responsibility of all ABAKAL workers, who have an active participation in the maintenance and improvement of it.

    The management team is committed to have the required human and material resources to achieve the requirements of the developed activities and objectives, and a continuous improvement of effectiveness and performance of our Quality Assurance and Environmental Management System.

    This environmental policy is checked yearly with regards to its adaptation to the purpose and corporate context, environmental impact and strategy direction. It will be communicated and available To Whom It May Concern.

    CEO OF ABAKAL, 14 March 2016


    Copyright © 2016 Abakal Ingenieros Consultores           C/ Carrera Toledana, 33 - 28500 Arganda del Rey - Madrid | T. +34 918 732 860 | F. +34 918 757 530 | info@abakal.com